1 Buddy Holly: Everitt, Falling Stars. Air Crashes that Filled Rock and Roll Heaven, 2004, S. 13f.; Denberg, Chantilly Lace and a Jolly Face, in: Texas Monthly, Januar 1988, S. 100–103; books.google.de
2 Konstantinopel: Millingen, Byzantine Constantinople: The walls of the city and adjoining historical sites, 1899, S. 90f.
3 Mongolensturm: http://www.zeit.de
4 Schlafrhythmus: Ekirch, Sleep We Have Lost: Pre-Industrial Slumber in the British Isles, in: American Historical Review, Bd. CV, Nr. 2, April 2001, S. 343–387; www.academicroom.com
5 Hexenverfolgung: Behringer, Hexen und Hexenprozesse in Deutschland, München 2006, S. 133f., S. 167f.
6 Coca Cola: Adams, Is This the Real Thing? Coca-Cola’s Secret Formula ,Discovered‘, in: Time 2011, newsfeed.time.com
7 Higgins-Boote: Strahan, Andrew Higgins and the Boats that Won World War II, 1998.
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